High TImes – New Research Exploring DMT as a Treatment for Stroke

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High TImes – New Research Exploring DMT as a Treatment for Stroke

hand reaching towards the light

A Canadian-based pharmaceutical company has received approval to conduct a clinical study of the psychedelic compound DMT as a treatment for stroke. Under the plan, pharmaceutical development company Algernon Pharmaceuticals will study an intravenous formulation of DMT as a treatment for stroke in the Netherlands, with the first participants receiving the drug in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Dr. David Nutt, professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London and a consultant for Algernon, said the use of DMT is a new approach to treating patients who have suffered a stroke.

“Hundreds of drugs have failed in the stroke treatment space, and nearly all of them have focused on the same strategy: a delayed attempt at neuroprotection,” Nutt told Psychedelic Spotlight.

“Algernon’s approach with DMT is to bolster the brain’s natural recovery by enhancing neuroplasticity to facilitate the creation of new neural networks,” he added. “This is something completely different than what has been tried before.”

Stroke is a brain injury that is usually caused by a blood clot or other blockage of blood vessels in the brain, resulting in a loss or reduction of blood flow that prevents oxygen and nutrients from…

full story: https://hightimes.com/psychedelics/new-research-exploring-dmt-as-a-treatment-for-stroke/