Psychedelic Spotlight – Prolonged DMT Infusions could be a Breakthrough for Stroke Patients

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Prolonged DMT Infusions could be a Breakthrough for Stroke Patients

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Stroke recovery requires stimulating neuroplasticity to heal brain trauma, and prolonged DMT infusions may help speed this process

Every forty seconds in the United States, someone experiences a stroke. Strokes represent the third leading cause of death and disability globally, with billions of dollars funnelled into long-term healthcare services, rehabilitation and support to individuals for stroke survivors. Conventional stroke treatments often fail and long-term rehabilitation can be lengthy and intensive. In other words, a novel approach to stroke treatment and recovery is timely.

Enter Algernon Pharmaceuticals. In September 2022, the company announced that they would be carrying out a Phase 1 clinical study investigating the use of slow-release intravenous DMT infusions for stroke patients.

“Hundreds of drugs have failed in the stroke treatment space, and nearly all of them have focused on the same strategy: a delayed attempt at neuroprotection,” explained Dr. David Nutt, Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London and Algernon consultant.

“Algernon’s approach with DMT is to bolster the brain’s natural recovery by enhancing neuroplasticity to facilitate the creation of new neural networks. This is something completely different than what has been tried before.”

The rationale for using DMT for stroke patients

N,N-dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, is a psychedelic compound that produces similar effects to LSD and psilocybin. However, DMT differs from other psychedelics in the rapidity and intensity of its onset and effects, delivering a near instantaneous, visually intense trip…

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